Christine Meinecke, Ph.D.


Nobody wants to marry the wrong person...
In fact, most of us are determined to marry the right person.  We go wrong, because we are blinded by infatuation and misled by myths and misconceptions.  We go wrong, because we follow conventional guideposts (just like everyone before us has) and fail to ask ourselves, Where exactly is this leading?  We go wrong, because we base our expectations about romantic relationships on old thinking. 

Everybody Marries the Wrong Person:

  • busts 20 myths of old thinking about romantic relationships
  • introduces the new marriage paradigm - self-responsible spouse
  • explains why self-responsibility brings fulfillment to relationships
  • details how to practice self-responsibility.  more


About the Book

Infatuation is temporary. 

Disenchantment is inevitable.

Marriage cannot succeed without mature love.

Mature love is self-responsible.

Self-responsible spouses do not try to change their partners.  Instead, they focus on managing their own insecurities and dark moods, expectations and reactions.


  1. Out With the Old
  2. I May Be Dumb...
  3. Red Flags
  4. Nature's Cruel Joke
  5. Hot Sex Here
  6. Mutual Admiration Society
  7. So Much in Common
  8. Bait and Switch
  9. Soap Operas
  10. In With the New
  11. Strengths and Virtues
  12. "Down in Front"
  13. Growing Yourself Up
  14. Extreme Makeovers
  15. ...But I'm Not Stupid
  16. The Love We Make  

 For more: Click "faq" tab

About the Author

Christine Meinecke, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist, who practiced in Des Moines, Iowa, for thirty years.   Dr. Meinecke has worked with adults, couples, and adolescents in hospital and private practice settings and taught undergraduates, graduate students, and medical residents.  She married her beloved wrong person thirty-three years ago.  

For more: Click tabs - "about dr. meinecke" and "works"


Photo by Deems Ortega



 " the tradition of best-sellers like Freakonomics and Stumbling on upbeat reality check."  Publishers Weekly, Web Exclusive, August 16, 2010                                  

 "Worthwhile..."  Library Journal, July 2010

 "...if you have questions about your marriage, this book will prove very helpful."

"...filled with good advice..."  

Bookviews by Alan Caruba  - "My Picks of the Month" - March 2010 and September 2010

News and Press


Selected radio, print, and online interviews

Marrying Right by Gitanjali Chandrasekharan - The Mumbai Mirror - November 13, 2014

The Audrey Chapman Show - WHUR, Washington, D.C. - April 7, 2012

Featured in February 2012 issue of Psychology Today

Look for Washington Post online chat transcript, On Love: Did you marry the wrong person?

See Dr. Meinecke's posts on Psychology Today Blogs.  

Pulitzer Prize winner, Jane Schorer Meisner's, interview, The play's the thing for psychologist, appeared in the Oct 24, 2010, Des Moines Register.

Q&A with Sarah Treleaven for

Redbook magazine (August, 2010) features an interview with Dr. Meinecke.  Look for "Follow This Love Advice Every Day."

© 2024 Christine Meinecke, All rights reserved.